Category Archives: Random

Fake Friends

Are there any genuine people out there anymore?  Do they even exist?  I can literally count on my hand the number of people in my life that are truly genuine, good at heart and want the best for me.

It is sad when you may have the best intentions, be honest and open and welcoming to everyone.  But those very people that you treat with kindness and importance in your life, will turn around and kick you in the face.  It doesn’t matter if you have known them for years or just a few months.  

It is even sadder that people who may even be your friends, will trust those that are obviously two faced liars, over you.  Even though you may have always shown your true colours.  They will still choose the people that butter them up and play up to their ego.  Who cares who was there for them and helped them through difficult times.  Today it is all about, what can you do for me.  Not, I value and appreciate your friendship, thank you for being there for me – I will do the same for you.

If you are genuine, kind and true at heart, people take advantage of you.  It is not the decades from before, where people used to value these qualities.  Today, they live to destroy them.  They see you as weak and want to manipulate and play games.  Everyone thinks they are living a real life Game of Thrones.  It is disheartening, but you can’t think about it too much or it will only bring you down.

‘Friends’ who will drive a competition that was never there.  ‘Friends’ who seem to be private investigators, tracking down information on you for God knows what purpose.  Information is everything today, and people will pretend to be your friend to capture this.  Friends who aren’t really checking in on you to see how you are doing and your welfare, but are more interested in keeping tabs on what you’re doing – job, social status etc.  The kind of ‘friends’ who stalk your instagram and never like anything but just creep and view every insta story and never say anything.  Do you really need such unsupportive people in your life.  People who honestly I wonder would probably be happy if you were to experience some kind of hardship in your life.  Sure they’d want to know about it, but they wouldn’t really be there for you – just be there for the details of course.

Maybe there was a time when they had actually been there for you.  Or if you really think about it, maybe they never were, but they were only there superficially.  Such ‘friends’ are the ones you may have shared some personal information with and they have used such information against you.  If that is the case, there is no excuse for those kind of people.  They should never have been in your circle, or trusted on that level.  Someone who would do that to you, never really cared or valued your friendship in the first place.  They live for themselves and you probably never knew the real them in the first place.

Although you may be hurt in the process of discovering these people.  Although you may have held them as a true friend and been loyal to them.  Don’t feel too bad about it, the sooner you come to know who they really are, the better it is for you.  If there are people in your life who are more concerned with playing games, questioning your success or just make you feel bad after interacting with them.  It’s probably come to a point that you need to remove them from your life.  You shouldn’t be a back burner friend they just reach out to as and when it suits them.  You shouldn’t feel down after hanging out with your friends.  They are supposed to make you feel better and should really bring a smile to your face, not uncertainty on whether they really are your friend.

You may lose a connection, your circle may grow smaller.  But it’s much better to have people in your circle who really care for you.  Who want you to do well and succeed and are truly happy when you do.  If you find yourself upset and thinking more about how the interaction you just had with your ‘friend’ was completely off, then what is the point of wasting your valuable time on such people.  It’s ok to let go and keep close those that are truly there for you.  Don’t lose the ones that have always been there for you and make sure to recognize them and show them that you value them in the same way they do you.

Fake friends will come and go, the important thing is to recognize these people as soon as possible.  Don’t walk around with doe eyes – these kind of people look out for you, they are literally predators waiting to bite.  Set your boundaries early on and if you can’t completely lose contact with this kind of person, then keep them for what they are – acquaintances, hi/hello kind of people.  Not a friend, not someone close to you.  Not someone you need to interact with on a regular basis.

I don’t want to become a hard person, and I would like to still be genuine.  But that doesn’t mean I have to take people mistreating me and keep them as a friend.  Everyone needs company, but sometimes honestly your own company is the best.  At least I couldn’t possibly let myself down right.  Anyway, let’s not be too cynical, I’m sure everyone has at least one or two good friends.  In saying that, make sure you don’t do anything to lose those friends – the true ones.

Body Wash

So this comes under one of my pet peeves.  What is the deal with people thinking that just using body wash on its own is good enough to clean yourself.  Absolutely not, if you’re going to use body wash – you need to use soap as well – hello!  There’s a filmy residue that’s left behind and it’s super unclean to just use it on it’s own.

So I get sometimes people will only display the body wash in their shower because they don’t want guests using their soap – that’s all good because no one should be using other people’s body soap – unless you’re super close, as in married or living together etc.  But that’s beside the point, there are people that prefer to use body wash over soap.  How do you think some thick liquid is going to clean your body properly, don’t you feel the residue on your body afterwards?  Because no matter how much water and how many rinses you try to do, it is still there!

I have the same issue with Dove soap – it’s basically body wash in a bar of soap.  Yuck I hate it.  I know it’s supposed to be moisturizing and that’s all well and good, but moisturizing is not the same as cleaning is it?  Give me some Dettol soap or Yardley or literally any actual cleaning soap for the body and I am good to go.  But using just Dove and just body wash is a big no no.  You might as well get in the shower and lather yourself with moisturizer.

P.S This is not meant to offend anyone, it’s just my own random thoughts on various, and and I mean various random topics.  Ciao